Thursday, 13 March 2025


We are committed to providing universal access to primary and secondary education and to improve the intake for tertiary institutions. This will ensure the full participation of all our citizens in the socio-economic development of our country.

Provision of Quality Basic Education

  • Our basic education policy will provide opportunity for all Gambians to become literate, acquire relevant knowledge and skills, as well as to understand and appreciate the economic opportunities presented by the modern world;
  • The current national policy on basic education shall be reviewed with the objective of providing quality basic education for all Gambian children, with improved teaching standards and better material resourcing;
  • The pay and working condition of teachers shall be improved to attract bright Gambians to the teaching profession.

Secondary Education

  • We shall ensure that contact hours between teachers and pupils are sufficient enough to give every pupil an opportunity to excel. School holidays will be kept to the minimum;
  • The pupil-teacher ratio will be improved and teaching materials provided to improve teaching in Maths and English as well as the sciences.

Tertiary Education

  • It shall our policy to provide and promote vocational and skills training to meet the needs and demands of our economy; 
  • We shall develop and ensure quality in our university education system with particular emphasis on addressing the skills deficit of the economy.

Training of Personnel

  • The effective implementation of our education policy requires a comprehensive and coordinated strategy for the professional development of all education personnel and teachers in particular. In this regard, training shall be provided to all personnel, internally and externally, according to the needs of the sector and the potentials of the individual;
  • We shall establish a schools inspectorate system to monitor and evaluate quality across the board. The objective is to improve and preserve standards in our schools.