Why join us?
The United Democratic Party (UDP) is a national party with an open door policy that allows every Gambian irrespective of gender, race, ethnicity or religious background to join as a bona fide member, participate in the party’s activities, and have your voice heard. We value diversity, equality and social justice.
Becoming a member of the UDP means you will be joining a vibrant community of selfless patriots who continue to stand ready to fight for and defend our democracy and hard earned freedom from oppression and dictatorship.
You will have the opportunity to contribute towards policy making, get involve in our campaigns, rallies and other events, and to become part of the people who will bring about a UDP government in 2021. You may also apply to become a UDP candidate in any given national election if you so wish.
Membership Dues
The UDP is funded by the general membership. We therefore expect registered members to pay a monthly or annual membership fee as may be determined by the party. This will not just be your contribution towards the sustenance of the party, but also a manifestation of your commitment and taking up of ownership and responsibility.
Fees collected will go towards funding our programmes, paying for our campaign materials, and maintaining our secretariat and bureaus across the country. As you may already know, there is no state funding available to political parties in The Gambia.
If you are 18 or over and a Gambian citizen, you are welcome to join the United Democratic Party today. Together we shall make a better Gambia for ourselves, our children and for generations yet unborn. Please register here.
1A Rain Blain Street, Banjul, The Gambia
Tel: (+220) 4201730: Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.